Friday, December 17, 2010

After one day of the soup diet...

I've lost 2lbs!!! I think my scale must be broken because that seems crazy. The diet does say if you don't cheat you should lose 5-7lbs by the 4th day so I guess this makes sense. I was pretty hungry just eating fruit and soup yesterday. The problem is there isn't mush you can do with fruit except eat it raw and that was getting old. The soup is good but I definitely wouldn't ask for it again. Today is vegetable day so it should go better. There are a lot more vegatables I can eat since you can get those frozen. Right now I'm eating stir-fry veggies with a little salt and pepper. For dinner I plan to make roasted acorn squash, carrots, onions, and peppers.

1 comment:

  1. Dinner sounds yummy! The veggie days would be my favorite too.
